Burning candles — love & life

2 min readSep 30, 2023


Mihar Diaries . . .

picture source — Unsplash

In the silent hush of the shadowed room,
A flickering candle stands alone in gloom,
Its feeble flame, a dance of fragile grace,
Reflects the essence of life’s fleeting chase.

In tendrils of wax, time’s story it weaves,
A symphony of moments, as it breathes,
Each flicker, a heartbeat in the dark,
A spark of life, a fleeting, fragile spark.

Its birth, a spark of passion’s burning fire,
Igniting love, desire’s sweetest lyre,
Yet in its birth, it knows its destined fate,
For life, like candlelight, cannot abate.

Through every gust of wind, it sways and bends,
Yet somehow, it endures and transcends,
In the face of storms that try to snuff its light,
It finds the strength to push back the night.

The wax drips down, like tears of joy and sorrow,
As love’s emotions ebb and flow tomorrow,
In every drop, a memory engraved,
A testament to love, so fierce and brave.

But as the hours pass, the candle wanes,
Its light grows dim, its fire slowly drains,
It bows to time’s relentless, ceaseless tide,
In the end, we all must step aside.

Yet even as it nears its final breath,
The candle whispers secrets of life and death,
For in its flickering, we can clearly see,
The fragile beauty of our mortality.

So, let us cherish love while it’s aglow,
Embrace the warmth, let its sweet radiance grow,
For like a flickering candle in the night,
Love and life, though fleeting, burn so bright.




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