Fears Of The Fall In Love

Mihar Diaries

2 min readOct 16, 2023

In the realm of love, a tempest brews,
A wellspring of dreams, a torrent of hues,
But in its depths, a specter dwells,
The fear of failing, in sorrow it swells.

Like fragile petals in autumn’s breeze,
Our hearts unfold, bearing soul’s unease,
The fear of faltering, a haunting wraith,
Whispering doubts, sowing seeds of faith.

In love’s tender dance, a tightrope we tread,
Balancing on hopes and fears, thread by thread,
The ache of past wounds, a heavy chain,
Can love’s sanctuary ease the pain?

But deep within, beneath the scars,
Lies the raw beauty of love’s memoirs,
The vulnerability we can’t deny,
In the fear of failing, we learn to fly.

Embrace the depths of this daunting sea,
Where fear and longing forever plea,
For love’s true essence, pure and profound,
In risking it all, our souls are unbound.

In the quiet moments of self-reflection,
We grapple with love’s imperfection,
Yet, it’s the storms that define our worth,
The tears shed in the darkness, the rebirth.

Release the fear that holds you back,
Embrace the love that’s never slack,
For in the journey of the heart’s refrain,
The deepest love is born from pain.

Let the fear of failing be your guide,
To deeper waters, where emotions collide,
In love’s crucible, your spirit shall mend,
And find the love that’s yours to defend.

In the tapestry of love’s sorrow and grace,
We discover the beauty of a heartfelt embrace,
For in the end, love’s trials and strife,
Unearth the depths of a passionate life.




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