In the garden of love, Rumi’s whispers roam,
#Mihar Diaries . . .
In the garden of love, Rumi’s whispers roam,
Where hearts entwine and mysteries are sewn.
His words, like petals, soft and profound,
Unraveling truths where love is found.
“Love unconditionally,” his soulful decree,
Echoes through time, touching you and me.
For in the realm where passion resides,
Expectations fade, and ego subsides.
Like a river flowing, love knows no bounds,
It dances freely, without chains or mounds.
To love without seeking, without demand,
Is to grasp the essence, to truly understand.
Embrace the beloved with a boundless heart,
Where judgments dissolve, and souls impart.
For in the surrender, in letting go,
Love’s purest essence begins to glow.
So heed Rumi’s call, in every embrace,
Let love be your guide, in every space.
For in loving freely, without condition,
We unlock the secrets of divine fruition.